Litigation Webinar Series 2021-2022

Dec 7, 2021

Frantz Ward LLP is hosting a multi-part webinar series presented by its locally and nationally-recognized Litigation Practice Group.

Part 1 began on Tuesday, December 7 and continued to December 14. Part 2 will occur in early 2022.

*Please note, CLEcredit is only available if you attend the live webinar.

December 7, 2021  When Things Go Wrong: Best Practices Dealing with Customer & Vendor Insolvency Issues
Presenters  Greg Farkas & John Kostelnik
Recording of the webinar is available HERE.

December 14, 2021  Ethics Corner: A Discussion of Trending Topics
Presenters  Lindsey Carr-SieglerJenifer Novak Michael Smith
with guests Dr. Greg Boehm and Dr. Nancy Duff-Boehm
Recording of the webinar is available HERE.