EEOC Makes Minimal Changes to Proposal for Major Revision to EEO-1 Reporting

Labor & Employment Law Navigator Blog
Jul 13, 2016

On July 13, 2016, the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) released a proposed revised Employer Information Report (EEO-1) (“Proposed Revision”). This slightly changes the original EEOC proposal to add compensation and hours worked data to the EEO-1 Report. An example of the proposed EEO-1 report can be found here. The EEOC has always required employers with more than 100 employees (more than 50 employees for federal contractors) to file EEO-1 Reports yearly identifying employees into 15 categories of race/ethnicity and sex and 10 job categories. Employers will now have to include employee hours worked and employee compensation information by pay band, utilizing the same twelve bands used by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the Occupation Employment Statistics survey:

$19,239 and under;
$19,240 – $24,439;
$24,440 – $30,679;
$30,680 – $38,999;
$39,000 – $49,919;
$49,920 – $62,919;
$62,920 – $80,079;
$80,080 – $101,919;
$101,920 – $128,959;
$128,960 – $163,799;
$163,800 – $207,999; and
$208,000 and over.

Compared to the original proposal, the Proposed Revision changes the due date for the “new style” EEO-1 reports from September 30, 2017, to March 31, 2018, to allow employers to utilize calendar year W-2 pay reports. Hours for salaried employees will have to be reported, either by using actual hours worked, if tracked, or by assuming a 40-hour work week.

The Proposed Revision comes after an initial comment period from February 1, 2016, to April 1, 2016. In drafting the Proposed Revision, the EEOC considered oral and written comments from employers, individuals, trade groups, civil rights organizations, and labor unions. The Proposed Revision will only become final after another 30-day comment period. Individuals have until August 15, 2016, to submit written comments to the United States Office of Management and Budget for consideration. Written comments may be submitted to: Joseph B. Nye, Policy Analyst, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, 725 17th Street, NW, Washington, DC, 20503, e-mail More information can be found in the Federal eRulemaking Portal here.