Tom Haren Quoted in Crain’s Cleveland Business
“Cannasure to launch comprehensive coverage program for marijuana industry Feb. 1″
Crain’s Cleveland Business
January 30, 2018
Excerpt from the article:
“Thomas Haren, a lawyer with Frantz Ward LLP in Cleveland working with aspiring marijuana businesses in Ohio, noted that the development of insurance programs is a critical element in not just legitimizing the industry but enabling its ability to flourish like any other business sector. There are few programs out in the market today, he said, though more are coming online as states have been requiring these businesses to be insured as part of their marijuana programs.
“Access to insurance is important for these business owners because it’s mandated by rule, but also just because is makes good business sense,” Haren said. “With a lot of major carriers not serving the industry, we’re seeing a lot of smaller, specialized insurers pop up to fill that need.”