Richard C. Humiston Joins Frantz Ward’s Business Law Practice Group

Feb 1, 2022

Frantz Ward is pleased to announce Richard C. Humiston joins the firm as Of Counsel in its Business Law Practice Group.

With over twelve years of experience, Rick concentrates his practice on estate planning and probate administration, representing clients with varying levels of wealth and planning needs. Rick has also provided counsel and guidance in workers’ compensation, bankruptcy, and family law matters. He earned his J.D. from Cleveland-Marshall College of Law and his B.S. from the University of Arizona.

Frantz Ward’s Estate Planning and Probate Administration attorneys provide advice on the full spectrum of estate planning, charitable and other gift planning, educational fund planning, and probate administration. In the estate planning area, we work with clients to develop wills, trusts and powers of attorney-POAs (financial and health care) that are tailored to the specific needs of each of our clients and their families. We address issues such as the special needs of a family’s children, asset protection, implementation of Section 529 educational plans, and income and estate/gift/generation skipping tax planning (including tax-effective gifting strategies such as GRATs and defective grantor trusts, and advice on tax-wise completion of retirement plan beneficiary designations). For individuals and families with charitable aspirations, we design and implement planning techniques such as charitable remainder trusts, private foundations, and even public charities.