Frantz Ward Attorney Thomas G. Haren Elected to the CMBA Board of Trustees

Jun 1, 2018

Frantz Ward LLP is pleased to share that attorney Thomas G. Haren has been elected as Board Trustee to the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association. Tom will be inducted at the CMBA’s 11th Annual Meeting on Friday, June 1, 2018 at the Cleveland Marriott Downtown at Key Center.

Tom represents growing businesses at each stage of their development, advising them on complex matters involving regulatory oversight, corporate governance, risk management, development and execution of litigation strategies, and other day-to-day business issues. Tom’s practice is also focused on marijuana law and policy, working with medical marijuana applicants and license holders, as well as ancillary businesses. He assists clients with license acquisition, zoning and municipal law, product labeling and packaging, and regulatory compliance. Tom received his J.D., cum laude, from Cleveland-Marshall College of Law in 2011 and his B.A. from John Carroll University in 2008.