Frantz Ward Attorney Alanna C. Guy Named to FDCC Ladder Down Cleveland Class of 2021
Frantz Ward is pleased to announce that attorney Alanna C. Guy has been named to the Federation of Defense Corporate Counsel (FDCC) Ladder Down Cleveland Class of 2021. The program will begin on January 27, 2021 and ends with graduation on December 1, 2021. Frantz Ward has been a proud sponsor of the program since it started in Cleveland in 2019.
FDCC Ladder Down is a year-long program dedicated to empowering female attorneys by providing coaching in the critical areas of leadership, business development, and mentoring. Ladder Down was founded in 2012 by Phoenix attorneys Alison Christian and Beth Fitch and has run programs in Phoenix, Seattle, San Francisco and other cities.
Alanna represents clients on a variety of business law matters. Her experience includes representing clients in mergers and acquisitions, private equity and venture financing transactions, and corporate loan transactions. Alanna advises clients operating in the cannabis industry in Ohio, representing these clients on in a variety of transactions and advising them on a diverse set of business-related, regulatory, and compliance issues. Alanna has also advised clients on fund formation and dissolution